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New School of Viseu

About Our School


Collage of the Present Campus of the UCP in Viseu
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa

The New School of Architecture and Urbanism is presently and temporarily hosted in the brandnew facilities of the College and Clinique of Dental Medecine. The project for a new  urban campus of the School of Architecture and Urbanism (designed during the 2001 Summer Program) is a major mid-term endeavour considered very favourably for future realization, as it promotes a stronger urban integration of the University and a substantial revalorization of the city centre of Viseu. Meanwhile the New School of Architecture and Urbanism will occupy starting Fall 2002 its own facilities within the University complex.


The College and Clinique of Dental Medecine
Universidade Catolica Portuguesa
(Photo by First Year Architecture Students)

New School of Architecture and Urbanism


Project for A New School of Architecture Complex
Project realized during the 2001 Summer Program in collaboration with the University of Notre-Dame (Indiana) under the direction of Dean José Cornélio da Silva (UCP) and Professor Norman Crowe (ND)
(Photo: Universidade Catolica Portuguesa) 


 New School of Architecture and Urbanism
Urban Campus Masterplan 
2001 Summer Program Design Charrette
(Photo: Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)


Facade Study for the New School in Viseu
2001 Summer Program Design Charrette
(Photo: Universidade Catolica Portuguesa)