" Here again, one is led once more to see less the perennity of the material than an attitude and knowledge which, by
ritualized and immutable gestures of care, guarantee its survival, not only as an ideal but as a material artifact. "
Philippe Rotthier and Ferdinand Joaquim " Le Palais Paysan " Editions AAM, Bruxelles

Residence in Starwood, Aspen, Colorado by Robert A.M Stern Architects ( Photo by Peter Aaron /Esto )

House Veloso Matos, Janas, Portugal by Jose Cornelio da Silva
" The house of the man who lives with a certain slowness, beyond the present, enamoured with what will never happen,-
who does not see his dwelling as a materially useful object, but rather as a support for his spirit- this house will be
made according to the laws of Architecture. " N.M. Rubio i Tuduri

Rancho Dos Vidas, Texas, by Michel Imber " Located in the scrub country between San Antonio and Laredo, Rancho
Dos Vidas was built as a ranch headquarters and family hunting lodge for an Aspen couple. The compound draws its forms, geometry
and details from the Spanish colonial archetypes of South Texas and Northern Mexico: missions, haciendas, presidios and public
places familiar to the outposts of the frontier. "