Waller Residence, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1974)
by Mike L. Waller
(The Charrette Design Group)
"This Queen Ann residence was partially dismantled and moved across town to a wooded site. An adaptive restoration
was undertaken to return the house to its original 1898 Victorian detailing."
The House in the Life of Man

Lunuganga Estate in Sri Lanka (1984-Present)
by Geoffrey Bawa
(Photo by Hélène Binet)
The Aga Khan Award for Architecture
"The house, in the life of man, eliminates
contingencies, it multiplicates its advices of continuity. Without it, man would be a dispersed being. It preserves man through
the tempests of the heavens and through the tempests of life. It is both body and soul. It is the first world of the human
Before being 'thrown into the world' (as profess the fast metaphysics), man is laid into the cradle of the
house. And the house is always a large cradle. A concrete metaphysics cannot ignore this fact, this simple
fact which is a value, a great value to which we return in our dreams.
Being is immediately a value. Life begins well, it starts enclosed, protected, luke-warm in the womb
of the house."
Gaston Bachelard
"La Poétique de l'Espace"
(Published by Quadrige/ PUF, Paris 1953)

Keen Residence, Lake Osceola, Florida
by Mike L. Waller
"The Charrette Design Group"
"Located on a lake-front lot offering beautiful view opportunities, the design solution refers to the Louisana
French Colonial Vernacular, which responds in an appropriate way to the climatical conditions of Florida and the clients'
expectations. The deep galleries offer a commodious loggia space to enjoy the lush subtropical character of the lake site."

Keen Residence, Interior Detail
by Mike L. Waller
"The Charrette Design Group"
"Finish details include long leaf heart pine floors and beams, functional louvered shutters fabricated of
clear heart redwood, doors, windows, paneling, and cabinetry fabricated with Honduran mahagony and salvaged tide water red

Waller Residence, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1980)
by Mike L. Waller
"The Charrette Design Group"
"We have to show that the house is one
of the most powerful forces of integration for thoughts, memories and the dreams of men."
Gaston Bachelard
"La Poétique de l'Espace"
(Published by Quadrige/ PUF, Paris 1953)

Swindle Residence, Lake Osceola, Florida
by Mike L. Waller
"The Charrette Design Group"

Flanagan Residence, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
by Mike L. Waller
"The Charrette Design Group"
"This speculative townhome program called for a 3 bedroom, 2 and 1/2 bath townhouse with a courtyard. The
design solution refers to a regional vernacular, the "Victorian" creole townhome double, characterized by roof brackets, a
style common to the New Orleans Vieux Carré."

Barnett Residence, Winter Park, Florida (1989)
by Mike L. Waller
"The Barnetts were born and raised in Mississippi and wanted a home in the Southern Vernacular style of
their home state. The design solution was a neo-classical raised cottage common to southern Mississippi."

Barnett Residence, Garden View
by Mike L. Waller