" The need of beauty is like the light, it should be extended to the most remote actions and reflections of Man. The
need of beautifully shaped minds, actions, and gestures, the need of it it in physical complements of objects, the permanent
quest for the harmonic and the serene... " Jose Cornelio da Silva
![Villa Dornberg Jose Cornelio Da Silva](https://luciensteil.tripod.com/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/dornberg580.jpg)
Villa von Dornberg, Cascais, Portugal by Jose Cornelio da Silva
" The Greek and Latin world, so pedagogic and noble, has allowed man to discover a composite face, a genial one, without
ever forgetting about his profoundly human and familial structure. - Several concepts surround and guide him: the respect
of the world, of nature, of living beings, of the mystery of life, of the purity of trees, animals, etc. as well as the consciousness
of the potential of a superior existence. But beyond all of that there exists the revelation that man bears in himself a sparkle
of the divine, which he ought to try to aim at and cultivate. " Jose Cornelio Da Silva