I myself like to cultivate and improve my artisanal skills, as well as to increase my practical knowledge of new technologies.
I like to operate within appropriate choices and combined tools for the most appropriate, the most elegant, the most efficient

" Retour de Potsdam ", oil on lino by Lucien Steil (1996)
I consider freehand sketching, painting and graphic experimentation as essential tools of the design process, and particularly
of that wonderfully complex elaboration of a more and more comprehensive synthesis, from first conceptual diagrams to final
design proposals.

A quiet Place,tempera on lino by Lucien Steil (1995)
" It is the way of poets to shut their eyes to actuality. Instead of acting, they dream. What they make is merely imagined.
Things of imagination are merely made. Making is in Greek, POIESIS. " Martin Heidegger

Riverside Piazza, oil on lino by Lucien Steil (1997)
The architectural subject creates its own space, landscape and atmosphere as a fundamental part of its essence...The union
of the sky and the earth and life is expressed in the genesis of architecture and the city, articulated through the analogies
and metaphors of the pictoral process. The eerie silence and dreamlike atmosphere of the sketches and paintings, in a context
of " Magical Realism ", do refer to the specific realm of a virtual reality to be inhabited by life, and definitely
not to some unbridgeable distance between ideality and reality.

Lighthouse Island, Sketchbook, by Lucien Steil
I like to look on these sketches and paintings as furtive and partial reflections on the eternal nature of architecture, or
as mysterious fragments of its immutable essence...