De Picturas
" Quid, quod omnium artium vel magistra vel sane praecipuum pictura ornamentum est?Nam architectus quidem epistilia,
capitula, bases, columnas fastigiaque et huiusmodi caeteras omnes aedificiorum laudes, ni fallor, ab ipso tantum pictore sumpsit."
Alberti "De Pictura" (1435)
Sketching and painting have always been privileged instruments of architectural invention.

Venta Berri, Plaza Mayor by Rob and Leon Krier

Amiens,Quartier St.Germain by Rob Krier
The figural and the pictorial, the typological and the morphological, the compositional and the constructive, the functional
and the symbolical qualities of design should immediately and fully invest the design in a powerful simultaneity, like a rich
and dense canvas offering diverse options of order, life and beauty.
" Is it not true that painting is the master, or at least the principal ornament of all the arts? It is indeed from the
painter, if I am correct, that the architect has taken the architraves, the capitals, the bases, the columns, the cornices,
and all which gives merit to buildings." Alberti "De Pictura" (1435)

Giorgio de Chirico, " Italian Piazza " (1921)