Smart Cities

Urban Development in Algueirao, Portugal ( 68 Houses ) by Jose Cornelio da Silva and Jose Franceira Baganha
The Traditional City, as the accumulated sum of experience, of know-how, of theory and practice, of models and types..., as
a repertory of tangible patterns, and finally as one of the most genial inventions of mankind, rich of about 6000 years
of history, of successfull continuity and re-invention, of self-regeneration and excellence has proved to be the best possible
paradigma of contemporary city-building. Its authority is the more qualified as no single successful alternative
has come out of the failed promises of the xxth century modernists, and the puzzling visions of their XXIth century followers
do not give too much any perspective on building inhabitable and comfortable places, supporting living communities and their
shared ideals of civic life and private emulation.

A House in the City, Lisbon by Jose Cornelio da Silva and Jose Franqueira Baganha

Entablature Detail, Lisbon by Jose Cornelio da Silva and Jose Franqueira Baganha

Le Plessis Robinson, Paris, Mixed-Use Development by Marc and Nada Breitman

Seaside, Florida (photo copyright Gunnar Strom)

Allatini Mills Development, Salonica by Demetri Porphyrios and Associates

A New Urban Quarter, Gocek, Turkey by Deupi Economakis Architects

Pitiousa, Spetses by Demetri Porphyrios and Associates (1998)

Pitiousa, Spetses by Demetri Porphyrios and Associates

Richmond Riverside Development by Quinlan Terry

Rue de Laeken, Bruxelles,Urban Development planned and coordinated by Maurice Culot and Caroline Mierop with projects
by Gabriele Tagliaventi et Marco Gaiani (Bologna),Valerie Gevers, Marc Heene Michel Leloup et Gabor Somssich (Bruxelles),
Javier Cenicacelaya et Inigo Salona (Bilbao), Liam O'Connor et John Robins (London), Joseph Altuna et Marie-Laure Petit (Toulouse),
Jean-Philippe Garric et Valerie Negre (Toulouse), Sylvie Assassin, Barthelemy Dumons, Philippe Gisclard and Nathalie Prat
(Toulouse), ATLANTE,site architects, (Bruxelles).
" The completion of the reconstruction project of the rue de Laeken is a sign of hope which doubtlessly marks the beginning
of a new, a more human age of European urbanism. " HRH The Prince of Wales

Courtyard Houses, Grand Harbour in Vero Beach, Florida by Robert A.M Stern Architects, New York ( Photography by Peter
Aaron/ Esto.)

New Town of Windsor, Florida by Duany & Plater-Zyberk