Dictionary of Architecture
Andreas Papadakis Publisher
The True, The Fictive, And The Real
Samir Younés
In this volume Samir Younes provides the first English translation of the key theoretical essays-including Character, Idea,
Imitation, Invention, Order, Principle, Restoration, Rule, Type, Unity - from Quatremere de Quincy's seminal work, "Le
Dictionnaire Historique d'Architecture" of 1832, which until now has been relatively inaccessible to architects in the
English-speaking world. The importance of this Dictionnaire stems from Quatremere's profound reflections on the
nature and ends of architecture; on the principles which are at the source of her rules, and on the roles of imitation and
invention within tradition. In his introductory essays Samir Younes treats Quatremere's ideas in their historical context,
as well as their important role within our contemporary larger project of the reconstruction of the city and architecture.

" Classical Architecture: A Comprehensive Handbook to the Tradition of the Classic Style", by Robert Adam and Derek
Brentnall(illustrations), published at Harry N. Abrams
Please find more books on the next page(More Books).This is a short selection on plenty of available publications on traditional,
classical and vernacular architecture.
Vernacular Architecture
Cambridge University Press
Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World
Paul Oliver's encyclopedia documents the results of an entirely new type of global architectural research, which had developed
over the last 2-3 decades. Over 750 specialists from more than 80 countries contributed to it. Over approximately 2500 pages
in 3 volumes, it unites more than 1700 photographs and 1000 line drawings. With its additional comparative lexicon of 500
words (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic), its glossary of over 1200 architectural and anthropological
terms, and with its largest bibliography on the subject today, including over 9000 references, it may become a standard work
for many interested in architectural research.

" Smart Growth: New Urbanism in American Communities " By Andres Duany, Liz Plater-Zyberk and Jeff Speck Published
at McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing (Fall 2001)

" The Elements of Classical Architecture", by Georges Gromort with an introduction by Henry Hope Reed. Published
at W.W.Norton&Company
Traditional Construction
McGraw-Hill Press
1,001 Traditional Construction Details
Steve Mouzon

More than 1000 construction details with a wide range of traditional ones, complemented by a generous choice of general-purpose
details addressing modern building requirements. Published by McGraw-Hill in both book and CD.The CD includes DWG,
DXF and PowerCADD versions of about 1300 details, plus a catalog database.

"The Nature of Order: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe." by Christopher Alexander.
This "opus magnum" by Alexander is a sum of building experience and of profound insights in the order of nature.
Alexander's "timeless principles of building" are supported by thourough investigations of a new scientific
humanism.To be published by Oxford University Press.