" There are general laws and nature broods on these laws to create diversity. Harmony provides the pattern and chaos
gives the freedom. " Trinh Xuan Thuan " Le Chaos et l'Harmonie ", Editions Fayard (1998)

Resources for Urban Planning
" PLANetizen is a public-interest information exchange for the urban planning and development community. We provide a
daily, one-stop resource for urban planning news, job opportunities, commentary and events. " Please click
on the link below to visit PLANetizen:
PLANetizen, your Digital Source for Planning
" CYBURBIA provides a comprehensive directory of Internet resources relevant to planning, architecture, and the built
environment. " Please click on the link below to visit CYBURBIA:
CYBURBIA, the Urban Planning Portal
PLANUM, European Journal of Planning, produced by a partnership of leading journals from eight European countries and promoting
knowledge, information and suitable policies in urban development and environment preservation. Please click on
the link below to visit PLANUM:
Planum, European Journal of Planning
RUDI, Resource for Urban Design Information Please click on the link below to visit RUDI:
Resource for Urban Design Information
The Town Paper, the newsletter for traditional neighborhoods. Keeps you updated with the newest from new traditional townbuilding.Order
now the Council Report, "presenting fresh voices and new viewpoints on the design of new urban towns and neighborhoods.."
Please click the link below to visit the Townpaper:
The Town Paper
Contact the Town Paper to order the Council Report:
CARFREE CITIES is a very informative and passionate site about how to reclaim city streets for human activities rather than
for automobile congestion..Numerous links and resources about urban planning and alternatives for sustainable urban traffic.
Please click on the link below to visit CARFREE CITIES:
Carfree Cities
" Village At believes the best way to create villages and cities that are safe, walkable, healthy, prosperous, and charming,
is to examine and learn from existing places that have these same qualities. " Please click on the link below
to visit Village At:
Village At

Pergola by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781-1841)
Cultural Resources of Special Interest
" The Friends of Schinkel is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-religious, academic organization dedicated to the study
of the 19th century German neo-classicist designer, architect, and urbanist Karl Friedrich Schinkel. " This
site could be like others which deal with important historical architects and buildings. -It is not! This site is a genuine
resource of richly linked information on classical architecture and urbanism, articulated through the outstanding and emblematic
figure of Karl Friedrich Schinkel. Please click on the link below to visit the Friends of Schinkel:
Friends Of Schinkel

Euclides resolving a geometrical figure
" Scientia reddit opus pulchrum "
Nexus Network Journal, an excellent research resource on the relationship between architecture and mathematics,a relationship
which has been a fundamental preoccupation of the homo sapiens since the origins of architecture and city-building..
Please click on the link below to visit Nexus:
Nexus Network Journal
Revista de Estudios Arquitectonicos, "Revista de difusion de contenidos inteletuales del Arte y Arquitectura tradicional",
discusses philosophical, symbolical and intellectual foundations of traditional architecture, with a particular focus on its
hermetic and esoteric traditions, sacred geometries and symbolical forms. Please click on the link below to visit
Revista de Estudios Arquitectonicos:
Revista de Estudios Arquitectonicos