KATARXIS is an international web-zine dedicated to New Traditional
Architecture and Urbanism. It is the official site of the visions and strategies promoted now by many professionals and associations in their
formidable endeavour: -- to contribute to the building of the modern world by referring to time-tested principles
of beauty, comfort and permanence.
KATARXIS is evidently the portal to a large international
community which shares common visions and goals based on the potential of virtue and efficiency of tradition.

Project for the New School of Architecture in Viseu, Portugal ( 2001 ) by an international team of architectural
students of the first summer-program organized by the Universidade Catolica Portuguesa (Viseu, Portugal ) in collaboration
with the University of Notre-Dame ( Indiana ) Project Coordinators: Jose Cornelio da Silva and Norman Crowe

The Viseu Summer-Program Design Team, Summer 2001 In less than a month they developed with Jose Cornelio da Silva
and Norman Crowe a realistic and functional project for the New School of Architecture of Viseu. The beautiful and sensitive
urban project for the Architectural School ensemble was publically acclaimed and is considered favourably by the academic,
political and clerical authorities for future realization!

School of Architecture, Urbanism, Historic Preservation, Restoration and Planning Catholic University of Portugal Viseu,
New School of Architecture at Viseu, Portugal