Rowhouses in Windsor, Florida by Scott Merrill and Georg Pastor
Traditional Architects and Urbanists

Calhoun-Thornwell House, West Paces Ferry Road, Atlanta by Lewis " Buck " Crook with Neil Reid, Philip Tramell
Shutze, Ed Ivey and James Means Photo by Van Jones Martin ( " Classic Atlanta " )
" ...One of the conditions of beauty in an architectural work is that it should impress all who see it as having been
produced naturally without effort, without occasioning trouble or anxious consideration to its designer, that in fact it could
not have been otherwise. In particular, it should be free from those expedients that betray the paucity of ideas
-those bits which bear the mark of studied effort, and the aim on the part of the designer to astound and engage the attention
of the passers-by without being able to satisfy his mind. To be clear, to be comprehensible without requiring an
effort: this is, and always will be, the aim which the architect should have in view... " Viollet-Le-Duc
( " Lectures on Architecture " ) Translation by Benjamin Bucknall, Dover Publications, New York

Olympia Building, Atlanta ( 1936 ) by Lewis " Buck " Crook
" It should be evident by now that an artist is said to be original exactly when he takes up the challenge of tradition
and makes us see something more than we already know. In that sense artistic creativity elicits a sense of relevance from
tradition. The creative artist makes us see the position we occupy within tradition; he raises both the question of the ontology
of art and of its historicity. " Demetri Porphyrios " Classical Architecture " (Andreas
Papadakis Publisher)