Manhattan, New York, June 2000 Photography by spaceimaging.com (copyright) Ikonos travels 432 miles above the earth
at a speed of 17.500 miles per hour.

Manhattan, New York on September 12th 2001 Collected by Space Imaging's satellite Ikonos at 11:43 a.m E.D.T (spaceimaging.com
The grief and pain of the World Trade Center tragedy can only be overcome in the civic process of reconstruction. It is not
up to the architects and urbanists to decide about the height of skyscrapers, and the debate which arose on the ruins of the
terrorist attack site is a legitimate and reasonable questioning of high-rise building types and their consequences on urban
comfort...The new traditional architects, urbanists and planners will weigh in these discussions because they do, more than
others consider legitimate popular expectations of comfort, permanence and beauty and of urban conviviality. Pursuing the
common good in a project of moral and material reconstruction, they qualify for the authority of reason and common sense!
Reconstruction is based on memory. Rather than consacrating "Hybris" and "Vanity" in new
challenges which some would like to tie to the symbolic essence of New York, it would be wiser to return to the genealogy
of the typological and morphologic history of New York. There are many excellent publications on the subject, among which
Robert A.M. Stern's excellent books on the urban history of New York should be commended. Rebuilding the World
Trade Center should be a celebration of the virtues of urban life and of the complex identity of Manhattan, rather than an
architectural and a technological " tour de force ".

" Inventing the Skyline ", by Cass Gilbert ( Margret Heilbrun, editor ) New York Historical Society Published
at Columbia University Press
" Cass Gilbert's pioneering buildings injected vitality into skyscraper design.... Gilbert is most famous for his
skyscrapers -" symbols of our national genius and unrestraints "- monuments of the Beaux-Arts " City Beautiful
" aesthetic he embraced throughout his career. " ( Amazon.com )

" Sidewalk Critic: Lewis Mumford's Writings on New York " Lewis Mumford, ( Robert Wojtowicz, editor ) Published
at Princeton Architectural Press
